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Take the Lessons on The Water

learning at homeLearning something new is stressful. It takes practice, whether you are learning a new language or learning how to knit. You have to stick to it and find a space that is quiet and calming. According to some people, it is also ideal if you can learn in non-traditional ways. Online learning helps because it frees you up to learn at home where you may feel more comfortable. However, for some people, the most relaxing area that they can think of is on the water. Is it possible to take the lessons on the water?

Relaxing Spaces

studying outsideWhen you are trying to learn something without going into a classroom, you know that it is important to have a quiet place to study. Online learning requires focus and determination, as well as an open internet connection that you can depend on. What if your home life is a little too stressful for learning? Libraries are boring, homes have children running around, cafes are noisy and make it hard to focus. Where do you go? Thanks to technology advancements, the answer is anywhere that you feel is a relaxing space. You can even venture out on the lake in your search for an ideal learning zone.

Learning on the Lake

learning on the lakeWhen you take learning on the boat, you can take along some things to make it easier. This includes audio courses, pod casts, your laptop or tablet. Anything that allows you to hear the lessons. If they are online courses, a mobile hotspot will be beneficial, as will a reliable set of Bose boat speakers since they will allow you to hear the lesson clearly. You may also want a comfortable chair on the boat so that you can enjoy the breeze, a cooler so that you can enjoy cold beverages, and a shade to keep the sun off you while you focus on the things you are listening to.

Soaking Up the Knowledge

There is no reason that learning has to be done inside of a boring classroom with all that we have available to us in today’s world. The key is to find a place where you are most comfortable learning all of your lessons; a place where you are free to focus on the things that matter. Learning out on the lake can be one of the most peaceful and calming learning experiences ever. You are free from the distractions that you may have to deal with on land. It also doesn’t hurt that you can take a break from learning to enjoy a little fishing or even listen to your audio course while putting a hook in the water. It may not be something you do on a daily basis, but it can be something that allows you to review the things you need to know weekly. On other days, you can sit at home in your study area, sit in your living room, or enjoy sitting outside in your hammock. Sometimes, you will learn more if you step outside of the box and break free from “traditional” learning environments.

Making Time to Learn English, Even with A Baby

studyingAs an adult, anytime you decide to further your education, you are going to be faced with challenges that are going to make it harder. Schooling may cause you to have a harder time running errands, keeping up with work, and dealing with your daily chores. However, one of the biggest challenges is having a baby to deal with while you are trying to further your education. This is even more difficult if you are trying to learn a second language, like English, because you have to pay close attention to how the words and specific letters sound. We can help you with making time to learn English, even with a baby.

Making Time to Learn

stressedMost all people feel that there is not enough time in a day for all that they need to do. It is why most of us stay stressed out. We are constantly on the move doing something from the time we wake up until we go to bed at night. We wake up, get kids off to school, go to work, clean house, run errands, do yard work, and more. Each night, we have things we weren’t able to get to that day, so we have to work even harder the next day. With all of that, it may seem virtually impossible to make time to learn. Who has the extra time that they can put toward learning? It is hard to do sometimes, but it is not impossible if you are committed to learning. There are a lot of different things you can try to make it easier on yourself, and perhaps less stressful as well, even if you have a baby to work around.

Tips to Make Learning Easier

studying with a babyThe most important things you can do for yourself is to practice, practice, and practice. You can do your online courses or spend time in a classroom, but if you walk out and wait until the next day to think about it again, you are hurting yourself. The good news is, practicing does not mean that you must study intently. You can practice by picking up a dictionary that is written with the words you want to learn, for instance and English dictionary, and pick out one or two words. Use them in a sentence or something. Perhaps memorize a few words for items that you have in your home and walk around saying them out loud as you touch those items. If you can, find an online or offline friend who speaks the language you want to learn so that they can help you with pronunciation outside of the “learning” stuff. The bonus to this type of practice is that you are not confined to a computer or a class. You can wheel your little one around using a baby crib with wheels on Baby Comfort Authority, learn to comfort them in your new language, or tailor your learning to what goes on during your days.

Put Your Thinking Cap On

Learning isn’t hard if you remember to try and keep it fun. It also does not have to be something that adds more stress to your life. Just keep in mind that you can do it, use your new-found words or knowledge throughout each day, and no matter what you are trying to learn; you will become better at it.

Practice English Phrases in The Kitchen

recipeWith the fact that English is so hard to learn, you will want to make sure that you use it as often as possible, both inside and outside of “learning time”. This means that when you leave the house, try to talk to people who already know the language, but you can start even before then. For instance, you can easily practice English phrases in the kitchen and it will help you figure it out faster.

Why Choose the Kitchen?

recipe ingredientsThere are a lot of very confusing words in the kitchen. Foods have odd names and recipes call for a variety of ingredients. There are also a lot of “sugar”, “preservatives” and “calories” listed on most box labels. Reading off these types of words will be difficult for a new English speaker, but they can help you understand some of the blended sounds and silent letters that go into the English language. You can read it in your head and then say it out loud. See if it sounds like something that is a legitimate word the way that you are saying it. If it isn’t, try again. It will not only help you with speaking, but it may also increase your cooking versatility because of all the new foods that you will try after reading the recipes.

The Recipe for Success

No one wants to ever have to read random words. Chances are good, dextrose, maltose, and sucrose are words that you will never need to use outside of reading your prepared food labels. Therefore, many people prefer to use recipes to practice in the kitchen. It will require you to read words that have a meaning such as sugar or mushroom, flour or eggs, milk or butter. You also have the opportunity to learn how to cook new foods. For instance, if you have a home made fondant recipe, you can read, learn, and bake. It ties everything together so that you are not just looking at random words. They mean something, and you can learn more than just the language.

Putting Good Knowledge to Use

reading recipesOnce you have managed to say the words in your kitchen, you will be better prepared to talk about these items outside of your kitchen. For instance, it will make it easier for you to find the word “spices” when you venture out to the grocery store or if you are having trouble finding “nutmeg” you can ask someone to help you locate it. Even if you only know a single word, such as “spaghetti”, chances are good if you walk up to a sales representative or a fellow shopper and say, “spaghetti”, they will be able to point you in the direction you need to go. From there, you will find spaghetti noodles, sauces, and Parmesan cheese. Knowing these words will also enable you to survive when you venture out to a restaurant where you may want to order something from the menu. You will know how to turn the words that you see into something that you can say, at least close enough to have others understand you.

Accent Reduction and Pronunciation

englishThere are some who say that English is the hardest language to learn because there are silent letters and so many different “slang terms” that we use. There are words that sound the same, but are spelled very different, there are words that mean this or can mean that. There is no denying that it all equals complicated to learn. However, what makes it even more complex is the accent that you may have left over and the way it influences how you say certain letters. This can cause mispronunciations and more. Therefore, you need a teacher who understands your struggles and can help you with accent reduction and pronunciation.

The Trouble with Pronunciations

pronunciationYou may not realize that your language is affecting your ability to learn English, but it does. A person who speaks Spanish may have the same letters as the English language, but they have two very different sounds. This can be confusing if you have only ever spoken Spanish. The truth is, every language spoken will cause different problems when it comes to pronouncing different English words properly. Your first language will always influence you in some way. To get beyond it, a teacher must focus on solving the problems before teaching you about the other things that make English words complicated.

The Teacher’s Job

learning englishAs someone who teaches English as a second language, the instructor will have to understand that pronunciation is not just about producing the right sounds. The students will have to learn how to link sounds together, learn how to have proper intonation, and more. They will have to forget what they were taught when learning their native languages and focus on the new words, sounds, and meanings. They say that it isn’t hard to learn English words, but it can be very hard to speak English fluently without a teacher that is able to help.

Making Complicated Simple

Think about how you, as an English speaker, would answer a question about what you plan to do this evening. You may say that you are “going to call out for delivery”. In the literal sense of the word, it may not make much sense. You are going to yell for delivery of what? Or it can be interpreted in other ways as well. We do not say that we are going to use the phone to have pizza delivered to our house. That takes too much effort. A person who speaks another language can get confused by this type of statement. A good teacher understands where the problem is, and after teaching pronunciation, they will focus on simplifying the way the language is spoken.

A student will have to focus on certain base words and their meanings. Then, they will have to learn to focus on what is being said if they want to understand the meanings behind what is being said. In other words, they must get to a point where they can rely on context to infer what a new word may mean. It will take dedication on their behalf and their teacher’s.